Thank you for your interest in booking Cannich Hall and we hope that your event is a success. Do let us know how it goes – feedback on the facilities, whether positive or negative, may help us to make improvement.

The SACC Directors consider the person who books the hall for an event as the Lessee. This person is responsible for ensuring that the following conditions of use are observed.

Booking, opening up and closure procedures

Events may be booked from 8am to 12midnight every day of the week (Monday to Sunday). SACC staff will open up the hall and lock it at the end of your lease. Please note time must be allocated within the let period to allow for any preparation and cleaning up the Lessee may have. Your booking should run from the time the first person in the group will enter the hall, until the time the last person will leave. You may be given a key pad number for access. Times of entry and departure must be agreed at time of booking. All lets must be made in writing using the booking form and paid for in advance to the booking secretary. Payment is by cheque, which should be crossed and made payable to Strathglass and Affric Community Company Ltd. Additional time will incur additional costs.

Fees and Charges

The hire charges for Cannich Hall are given in a separate document which is available on our web site or can be obtained from the bookings secretary. Only persons aged 18 and over can book Cannich Hall. Full payment for a booking must be paid before the let. Payments will be returned if a booking has to be cancelled. cancellation fees will only apply if SACC has incurred losses or costs from a cancellation. Bookings are only valid once full payment has been received. Provisional bookings will only be held for a few weeks.

Hall cleaning

Please leave the hall clean and tidy, placing any rubbish in the waste bins. Please be ‘green’ and recycle what you can. If you fill all the rubbish bins in and around the hall, please take any excess rubbish away with you. If specialist cleaning is required as a consequence of your let, the Lessee will be invoiced for the additional cost. Tables and chairs used during a let should be stored in the appropriate areas at the end of the event.

Fire precautions

Lessees should familiarise themselves with the Fire Regulations on display and the location of fire exits. All fire exits must be kept clear during the let and all doors leading to these escapes must be kept unlocked. Regular hall users must hold a practice fire drill every six months. In the event of fire, all persons should leave the hall by the nearest exit and wait at the fire assembly point (see notice board for location). Do not attempt to tackle the fire unless you have been trained in using an extinguisher. Dial 999 and ask for the Fire & Rescue Service. The lessee should decide if it is appropriate to have a register of those attending their event. This information should be made available to the Fire Officers in case of fire and building evacuation.

Emergency contacts

To gain help from SACC during a let, call any of the contact numbers displayed on the Hall notice board located in the foyer.

Child and Vulnerable Adult Protection Policy

If your event will have children or vulnerable adults attending you must have a Child Protection/Vulnerable Adults Policy in place and a designated Child Protection Officer in your group. Group leaders must hold a PVG schedule certificate. The Lessee can sign up to the SACC policy (available as a separate document and upon request when making a booking).

Events using specialist sports equipment

The Lessee will be responsible for any activities involving the use of specialist sports equipment carried out in the hall. A person with appropriate experience and qualifications must be present throughout the duration of the let. Appropriate footwear must be worn.

Stewarding of Events

For all functions (e.g. dances, discos and parties) and irrespective of whether alcohol is present, sufficient stewards aged over 21 must be present to maintain order. A minimum of six stewards (both male and female) must be present and their names and contact details provided at time of booking. SACC recommend eight stewards.

Licensed bar

SACC may give permission for a licensed bar at a social function. A licence is required from The Highland Council and this must be obtained by the Lessee. The Lessee will be responsible for ensuring that no breach of licensing conditions occurs and that no under-18s are served alcohol. Alcoholic drinks should be served only in plastic cups and bottles to avoid injury and broken glass in and around Cannich Hall.

Bring your own bottle events (BYOB)

BYOB events are permitted in Cannich Hall. No alcohol licence is required for such events, but the event must not be advertised openly and the alcohol must not be sold on the premises.

Live and recorded music

PRS Licence – The Company holds a Performing Rights Society Licence which permits music including live music to take place legally in the hall.
PPL License – If your club/class is “public”, i.e. not a family or domestic gathering, and you intend playing recorded music at it, you will probably require to obtain a PPL licence. You can do this, or to obtain more information, from the following sources:
Phone: 020 7534 1000
Website: .

Failure to obtain a licence can result in a fine. It will be your responsibility to ensure that you have a PPL License for your club/class, if required, and SACC will accept no responsibility for fines levied for non-compliance.

Bouncy castles

Small indoor bouncy castles may be used in Cannich Hall but must not be attached to the building. The Lessee must obtain Personal Liability Insurance prior to the booking and complete a Bouncy Castle Operating Advice form at time of booking.

Market trading

Second hand markets, car boot sales etc. may require a market trading licence. The Lessee is responsible for seeking and obtaining a licence from the licensing authority (The Highland Council).


All damage must be reported to SACC staff or the bookings secretary at the end of the let and they will log it in the Hall’s Damage Record Book. It is at the discretion of SACC whether the Lessee will be charged for any damage done to the hall or its contents during the let period.

Risk Assessment

It is expected that any group hiring the Hall for an activity will carry out a “risk assessment” of that activity and their use of the Hall.

Use of personal electrical equipment

Any personal electrical equipment used in the hall must meet IEE regulations and any British Standard relevant to its use.


SACC holds Public Liability cover of £5 million to cover incidents where it is found to be negligent. Groups hiring the hall must also have their own Public Liability Insurance to cover injury and property damage to third parties as a result of their negligence. If a booking is made and insurance cover not held then this is at the Lessee’s own risk.

First Aid Kit

The locations of the First Aid Kits are given on the hall notice board. Please let hall staff know if a kit has been used.

Reporting of accidents

If someone in your group suffers an injury during your booking please report the incident to SACC staff who will complete a Health & Safety Accident Report Form.

Food Safety

Food Safety legislation places responsibilities on the Lessee to ensure all food prepared by you or obtained by you is safe to eat. Please refer to the Food and Hygiene guidelines displayed in the kitchen.


  • SACC will not be liable for any damage to, or for the loss of property brought to, or left in, the Hall or car park area.
  • Directors of SACC shall be entitled to have free access at all times to Cannich Hall to ensure that the let is being conducted properly.
  • SACC reserves the right to cancel any let at any time without reason, or to terminate the let. If cancellation or termination happens, charges paid will be refunded.
  • SACC does not stipulate that the Hall is suitable for any particular use.

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